What is a Primary Care Network?
The new GP contract was published in early 2019 as part of the NHS Long Term Plan. A key element of the new contract is the development of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) which bring GP practices together with other local services – such as community, mental health, social care and the voluntary sector to look after local populations.
PCNs help to join up services at a local level, focusing on the specific needs of these individual populations, with patients still accessing routine GP appointments as they do now.
Take a look at this short animation from NHS England which explains how they work.
Our Vision
- To see primary care re-imagined so that healthcare needs are met closer to home.
- To see sensible partnerships with our local organisations so that common goals become achievable.
- To see isolation becoming less of a threat to mental health locally, in the wake of restored community values.
- To see new innovation and enthusiasm arise from all sectors of our community to tackle the health, social, emotional and educational problems together.
Our Values
- We will work together for the improvement of health and well-being in the individuals, families and communities that we serve.
- We value each person regardless of their unique differences, and seek to offer our services without discrimination.
- We value the staff and structures of our practices and our PCN, and we will speak in a professional and respectful manner to each other, both in person and via written correspondence. We will also speak respectfully in reference of all staff who work in the practices of The Ridge PCN, and our external stakeholders.
- We value patient voice, which is at the heart of our service considerations and will inform us through many different routes, including patient surveys and collaboration between the Clinical Director and the PPG Network Chairs Groups. We are committed to effective communication of changes to all patients across the network, and also to receive feedback and steering from patient groups which can inform future service design, so that you receive the right care at the right place at the right time with the right person.
- We value education and career development, and the process of appraisal, training and supervision.
- We value an integrated approach to healthcare, and we actively seek out partnership with other health care and social agencies to achieve our common aim of health and well-being in the communities we serve.
Our Team
- Dr Hannah Warren – Clinical Director
- Helen Dyer – Care Homes Clinical Lead
- Louise Twist – PCN Manager / Digital Transformation Lead
- Holly Mborah – Administration Lead
- Allison Broadway – Children’s Health and Wellbeing Coordinator
- Aimee Hebron – Senior Clinical Support Worker
- Clare Mayhew – Paramedic
- Dr Louise Williams – Community Education Facilitator
- Kate Goode – Multi Professional Lead
- Jess Jolly – Education Administrator
- Danielle Hambrook – Social Prescribing Link Worker
- Donna Gates – Care Co-Ordinator